Supporting Learning and Participation for ALL by eliminating barriers to learning.
Open Access is committed to fostering inclusive and equitable educational systems.
Designed to build capacity through systemic implementation, we utilize evidence-based practices aligned with the Universal Design for Learning (UDL) framework to support
all learners’ engagement, communication, and participation.​
All students can achieve meaningful access to high-quality curriculum,
instruction, and active participation in learning when UDL principles are applied across all environments. By nurturing learner agency, we empower every student to take ownership of their learning journey, growing as purposeful and reflective,
resourceful and authentic, and strategic and action-oriented individuals.​
The principles of Universal Design for Learning
across all learning environments.
Digital tools and Assistive Technologies (AT)
into the design of instruction
and measurement of learning.
Access to Augmentative Alternative Communication (AAC) strategies
and supports and a commitment to building communication competence
for students with complex communication needs.

No-cost resources & opportunities:
Live & recorded webinars
Live & virtual trainings
Asynchronous trainings
Free website resources:
Universal Design for Learning​
Assistive Technology
Augmentative Alternative Communication

Build capacity and enhance inclusive setting with training & coaching in the areas of:​
Universal Design for Learning
Assistive Technology
Augmentative Alternative Communication
Technical assistance and specialized support focusing on system development to drive statewide change under the direction of the California Department of Education.
Supporting California Students Together
The Open Access project is funded by the California Department of Education and the California Collaborative for Educational Excellence as a Content Lead within California’s Statewide System of Support.


Reach out with questions, comments or ideas or to inquire about participating in an Open Access project.
Find out what's currently happening or what's coming up within our network.